i am in so much pain that i cannot sleep. excruciating pain - and i don't use that word lightly. after a quick internet search, i think i may have found out what is going on with my pelvis. the symptoms are exactly what i have been feeling for the last several days. i think i have Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) and more specifically, Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). according to what i've found, SPD affects 1 in 35 pregnant women. it occurs when the pelvic ligaments lengthen to prepare for childbirth but they lengthen too much, causing a gap between the pelvic bones, resulting in pelvic instability or misalignment. the instability/misalignment part is what is causing so much pain. some of the symptoms include: symphysis pubis pain that is extremely tender to the touch, swelling, difficulty lifting leg, unable to transfer weight through pelvis and legs, restriction of hip movement, waddle or shuffle when walking, and pain when pulling legs apart. i have all of these symptoms to a very strong degree. supposedly, most pregnant women that suffer from PGP/SPD show improvement within days after delivery. oh please, let that day be soon. i can't handle this much longer. i'm going to call my doctor as soon as her office opens. i don't know if she'll be able to do anything for me but i need to at least tell her what is going on. this really sucks.
i'm so sorry that you're in so much pain kim, that sounds really painful. when i saw that you were blogging at 2 in the morning, i thought, "uh oh!" we need your dr. to get things going! oh, and congrats on 37 weeks...you're FULL TERM! :)
i'm so sorry that you're in so much pain kim, that sounds really painful. when i saw that you were blogging at 2 in the morning, i thought, "uh oh!" we need your dr. to get things going! oh, and congrats on 37 weeks...you're FULL TERM! :)
Congrats on 37 weeks sweetie! I hope youf doc will have some answers that will give you some relief.
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 37 WEEKS KIM!!!!!!!! I am so sorry about all the pain and misery though. I cannot imagine how yucky you must feel and NOW I am wishing that baby out for you so you can get some physical relief- Add this to the list of sacrifices you have made for this baby. You have done a great job- this has been a long road for you guys and it is almost over. And I can't wait for yout o hold that little peanut and finally feel that 'feeling' that is so indescribable- it's coming :)
Yikes, Kim. That sounds horrible. Hopefully your OB will be able to help.
Congrats on full term! You are awesome!
You are probably correct in your self diagnosis. Their are a couple things you can do: 1) not very practical right now, but swimming in about chest high water will probably completely take the pain away. 2) You might be able to provide some extra support with a sacrum belt purchased at any maternity store. They are not the best but the belt will provide some support for the symphasis pubis and the SI joints. Just make sure the belt goes under your belly. Hang in their kid, not too much longer! You will be amazed at how much pain you will forget when that baby comes!
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