we met w/ dr. connelly today and she checked my cervix and good news... it's maintaining! she also did another FFN test and we should have the results by tomorrow. she also measured the baby and he is still measuring about 2 weeks ahead of his age. so that's good news. most bennett babies are big so it's not a suprise that he's larger than average. my neice was born at 10 lbs. 9 oz.! i don't think he'll get to be that big! i'll update again once i have the FFN results. praying for a negative!
Here is hoping the your FFN is negative and you will get to cook worry free for a few more weeks!
And ouch about the big baby thing!
Negative Negative Negative!!! How ironic that we pray that some tests are POSITIVE (like the pg test) and som ewe claw the walls praying for Negatives! You're in GREAT SHAPE! If your cervix is maintaining since your last FFN Negative and this baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead like a lil chunky monkey then all signs say SUCCESS!!! You are almost 30 weeks with not many more to go and so far so good! Good job Baby Bennett!
We're big baby makers too and I always wonder if we went to term (and who knows) we would have a 9 or 10 pounder! Hey still could be up there...
Cant wait to hear the next update :)
YEAH!! All this laying around and running to the hospital is working!! You're doing great Kimmie :)
Thank You Mommy! Love Baby Bennett
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