today i have a serious case of the bedrest blues. i know it's completely normal to feel this way when on longterm bedrest but that's not helping me to feel better. i am so sick of being cooped up in the house. i have such mixed feelings about it and it's driving me nuts. i am so, so, so happy that i'm still pregnant and so thankful for every day that baby stays inside me. yet today i can't shake this feeling of sadness. i want to clean my house, organize the baby stuff, make enchiladas, take a walk around the neighborhood, drive my car, go to the movies, ANYTHING except lay here. i'm hoping that i'll wake up tomorrow feeling like my normal self. but for now, i have the blues.... :(
It doesn't cure your blues, but I hope it's a comfort to you to know that I have them too....and if I could get a huge thing of ice cream and bring it over I would. Can't fix the blues but I can share them with you :)
The days fly yet they are so long. March is so far away yet so close. It's so hard to keep your sanity not knowing what's going to happen next.
Hoping better days are ahead for you!!!!
anything i can do to help you feel better/keep you company/entertain you (somehow??? :))/bring over movies, food...etc. just ask, not only will i do anything to help make this time easier...i would LOVE to do it for you.
i've been meaning to ask you if you want me to help you organize the baby stuff and/or wash baby clothes and crib bedding, but i don't want to intrude on something that you might be able to do later. anyways, if that would help you out, just let me know...i'll be there in a second.
i love you guys ~S
Sorry about the blues. I know them well! Hopefully you'll feel a little better soon. My moods were up and down like a roller coaster while I was on bed rest.
Congrats on 30 weeks! You rock!
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