Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, October 17, 2008

How hard could it be?

how hard could it be to change a baby's diaper? well, let me tell you, it's not easy. caleb does so many flips, twists, turns and grabs that it's nearly impossible to change his diaper. it can get pretty frustrating but mostly it's just cute. just look at those buns. :)


Brixie said...

Love a wild, kicking boy! As long as I'm not changing him ;) Keep up the spunk kiddo!

catherine said...

i have been reading your blog for a long time - from bed rest to the birth of your cute little boy. i found your blog when i was on bed rest and feeling so scared. your posts were always truthful and full of optimism, and i found it inspirational.

i wanted to finally comment because all of your photos and posts about little baby bennett growing so much is just wonderful. such a happy life and nice family - your happiness is infectious. thank you.