such a sleepy boy... notice caleb's open mouth... he was exhausted!!!
nothing new has been going on here, just enjoying every moment with my little boy. he is showing his personality so much now. he laughs at everything. today i was putting a new bag in the trash can and when i shook it out to open it up he started to crack up. why that was funny, i don't know but apparently it was hilarious! he loves his toys and is so intrigued by anything new. i am really enjoying this age. i can't believe he is almost 6 months old. time is FLYING by and i wish i could hit the pause button to slow it down a little bit!
Oops! I think you just set yourself up for a big change. Everytime I told someone that there was nothing new going on or that we were getting in a grove... something changed! Wonder what it's going to be... food... sleeping... moving... you just never know. See you guys soon!
good job, did it! :) he's so cute...i love the sleeping pic. he looks so relaxed! and he does look like a big boy in his high chair...just wait until his feet reach the foot "rest thingy's" happens faster than you think. sorry, not trying to make you sad ;).
love you guys~s
So cute! I love the hat pic! In one of my favorite baby pics of my son, he's wearing one of his first little ball caps!
oh jeez the one in his high chair is PRICELESS! What a doll! Its amazing how big he's getting, and how much he's growing and changing huh? There has to be a way to stop time....Once you discover the secret, let me know too!
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