this is caleb's 3rd ear infection since the beginning of the year (4th if you count the time he had one in each ear). he was pulling at his ear and acting a little more clingy/fussy than usual so i figured something was wrong. i took him to the doctor on wednesday and his pediatrician confirmed that he has another infection in his right ear. so, he's on another round of antibiotics. ((sigh)) he has his 12 month doctor's appointment on march 4th so they'll check his ears then to see if the infection is gone. if not, she's going to refer him to a specialist to see if he needs tubes. even if it's gone, i'm going to ask if he can see a specialist because he obviously has an issue with his ears. i think he's going to have to have tubes put in. i really don't want my baby to have surgery but if it will help him in the long run then i'd rather have it done sooner than later. why prolong it when he is in pain? john had 40% hearing loss because of all of his ear infections and after the tubes were put in his hearing was normal. i don't think that caleb is having hearing problems but how would i know? hopefully we'll get to see a specialist so we can figure out the best way to go from here.
I know what that is like, christian had them so much as a baby but didnt need tubes. I just took the twins to the doc on Thursday and they both have an ear infection in their right ear. Poor Baby! I hope Caleb feels better....
Aw, I am sorry about another ear infection. Poor baby. Hope he is feeling better now (I am so late on commenting!). Hope you can get into a specialist soon!
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