i noticed a tiny eye booger in caleb's eye this morning but i didn't think much of it. we went to our exercise class and when we were ready to head back home, i noticed he had a bunch of gook oozing out of his left eye. i thought he had an eye infection or something so i called the doctor right away. he wasn't acting like it bothered him at all (in fact when i asked him if he was okay he gave me a huge grin) so i wasn't too worried. i took him to see the pediatrician and the good news is that it is just a clogged tear duct. hopefully it will go away quickly - especially since he has his 3 month photo shoot scheduled this saturday!
awwwwww caleb! I hope it goes away also- the poor thing!
Don't worry about the upcoming pics. I bet you won't even SEE it and you know it could always be worse (well it MAY get worse) I used to always manage to cut my hair or draw on my face with permanent marker the night before school pics and now I look back on these and pee laughing. Of course Caleb's boo boo is not in the same category but when there's a boo boo or a 'blemish' on these pics, it sort of makes them cuter in years to come.
You're probably like wtf? But I hope you know what I mean! sort of...kind of...
i'm sure the pics will turn out great tomorrow...i really can't tell, just wipe his little tear and no one will ever know. lookin' forward to hear how it goes. love, auntie shannon
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