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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas & 9 Month Pictures

Merry Christmas! we had a fun and busy day. we opened presents at home and then went to john's parents' house (opened more presents), then my parents' house (yes, more presents), and then to my brother's house for Christmas dinner (it was sooo good - Caleb loved the turkey!). Caleb has so many toys now that we could practically open up our own toy store. :)

i can't believe Caleb has already had his first Christmas. thank God today was his first Christmas and not last year. exactly one year ago i was put into an ambulance and rushed out to Baldwin Park. i had spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital due to a shortened cervix and was released to do bed rest at home 2 days before Christmas. on Christmas day, i noticed the slightest bit of spotting and went to the hospital to get checked out. i was in premature labor and was dilated to 2cm. the hospital didn't have the licensing to take care of preemies under 32 weeks gestation (i was at 27 weeks at the time) so they had to send me to a hospital that had the licensing and also the room to take me. Baldwin Park was the closest one that would accept me. they put me on magnesium (awful, awful stuff) and strapped me to a gurney. i was so scared. i was crying really hard and the nurses were trying to keep me calm. there were 2 paramedics and a nurse in the ambulance with me and John followed behind in his car. my parents also came out to Baldwin Park that night. when i got to the hospital they rolled my gurney down a long hallway and i thought that it felt like the green mile. i remember one of the nurses taking care of me had on a "Merry Christmas" headband and all i could think of was that i didn't want my baby to be born on Christmas day. it was too early. i prayed and prayed for a Christmas miracle that my baby would be safe and healthy.
i got my miracle. Caleb stayed put for another 10 weeks (which we all thought would be impossible). Praise God!! i am so very thankful for my little boy. my handsome and loving little ball of energy. he is the best gift i could ask for.


Brixie said...

Great 9 month pics Caleb! You're looking more and more like a handsome toddler everyday! Hugs to everyone!

Kristin said...

Merry Christmas! Your post brought tears to my eyes thinking of how scary last Christmas must have been for you and remembering how that felt for ME as well when Luke was born! But Caleb IS a little mircale and such a cute one at that!!!! Glad to hear that your day was blessed!

Shan said...

great pics! wow...thinking back remembering how scary that was brought tears to my eyes too. i'm so thankful that this is his first Christmas too. you guys have a wonderful little boy & we love him so much.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bennett-
You have a handsome son there! Congrats on such a wonderful blessing. This is one of your former pledges...Daniel Goodwin. I'm living out in Chicago now with my wife and we just brought home a child of our own on the 16th. Addison Grace is healthy and happy. I couldn't be happier for you Mr. Bennett. Congrats to you and your bride!

Stacie said...

Happy belated Christmas to you! He is so cute in his pictures! Wow!

Last Christmas was scary. This one was so much sweeter. I just know that from this point forward, each Christmas will bring even more joy than the one before it. Much love to you all.

Happy New Year, too!

N7 said...

Kim- Caleb is gorgous and those pictures are amazing! He is such a photogenic baby and you all are such a photogenic family!
I remember last year (so much in common!) I can totally sympathize with you on that fear and panic and helplessness. Who knew things would turn out so beautifully at the time? At the time it was so scary and unknown. It was too early. And there you were- at 27 weeks. But you had a little tough guy in there so was in no way ready to show you his face!(Thank God!) And he has a tough mommy too- you did amazing. It's not easy and you never made it sound easy- but you did it. With a positive and great attitude & outlook- you did it. And you were truly, truly blessed.
You deserve(d) the best Christmas ever with your little ball of energy!
Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to you all!!!!