i quit my job today... am i crazy?? i... quit... my... job..!! i've always wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom but i didn't know if it could really happen. part of me thinks i am crazy for giving up that sense of security -- and that paycheck (not that i made a ton of money, but you know what i mean)! i worked for a really good company. my boss was so supportive during all of my infertility treatments by allowing me to adjust my schedule in order to make all of my doctor's appointments. i appreciate it so much.
the other part of me thinks that i would be crazy for leaving caleb to go to work. he changes every day and i don't want to miss a thing. i know moms do it every day and that it is hard on them too, but literally, i was crying every time i even THOUGHT about leaving caleb to go back to work. john has been incredibly supportive of my decision to stay at home. we are going to be so broke... but that's a small sacrifice to make to be able to be with my baby every day.
so... that's it. we are a one-income family now. i feel bad for putting all of the financial responsibility on john's shoulders but he is 100% okay with my decision to stay home. we're going to have to pinch pennies where we can and adjust our spending habits to make this work. i know we're doing the right thing for our family and that God will take care of us.
although i am so happy that i will be staying at home with caleb, i am very sad to leave the great group of friends that i have made at work. i have plans to visit them for lunches/dinners so we can continue seeing eachother and maintaining our friendships.
to stacy, kelly, ileana, miss debbie, robin, lorri, del, JQ, and everyone else.... I WILL MISS YOU! LET'S KEEP IN TOUCH!
...oh my gosh... i quit my job... it still doesn't seem real.