Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Birthday to Caleb!

My little guy turned 2 today! John woke Caleb up this morning by singing him the happy birthday song and Caleb opened his eyes and said, "I want cake". He cracks me up! I can't believe how fast time flies. Caleb is everything and more that I've always wanted and he makes John and I happier than we've ever been. I can't imagine my life without him and I thank God every day that He made me Caleb's mommy.
He is TWO!!! I can't believe it. I love him more and more every day. He is thoughtful and loving, smart and funny, silly and crazy, cuddly and independent. I am so proud of who he is and I am so excited to see who he becomes. I just hope time starts to slow down a bit 'cause these last 2 years have FLOWN BY!


Stacie said...

Happy Birthday, Caleb! He is my kind of guy...he loves cake! :-)

Jeez, Kim. He looks like such a big guy in the pictures. Where does the time go?

ME Gregory said...

Yeah - congrats!!!

Shan said...

we love you too caleb...hope you had a great b-day!!!

N7 said...

HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY CALEB!!!! I cannot believe it Kim- where were we both a little over 2 years ago? Can you believe where we are now with out little boys??? He is such a gorgeous little boy Kim- you've done an amazing job raising such a peanut- you should be so proud!!!!!