No turkey for Caleb....
happy belated thanksgiving! yesterday was caleb's first thanksgiving and i was really looking forward to seeing him sit at the dinner table eating little bits of turkey and potatoes with our families. well, that didn't happen (at least the eating part). we woke up yesterday just like any other day but caleb decided he didn't want to eat his breakfast. he nursed for a while but didn't eat anything. then, a couple hours later, as he was nestled in his daddy's arms, he puked all over his daddy's chest. we were a little concerned but thought that he was okay. so then about an hour later, he puked again (btw, these were BIG pukes). now we were really concerned so we went to urgent care. the doctor said that he has a stomach virus and that he shouldn't eat for the rest of the day. only pe.dia.light and breastmilk at night was okay. she warned us to be prepared for diarrhea since it usually follows the vomitting. guess what, she was right! last night he had it bad. it got all over him, all over me, and all over the pillow on the couch (thanks soooo much babe, for cleaning it up!). he slept all night (which never happens) and seems to be feeling better today. he has to have a bland diet today so his breakfast consisted of saltine crackers and pe.dia.light. anyway, we did make it to thanksgiving dinner since the doctor said it would be okay. we just didn't let him play with the other kids so he wouldn't get them sick. he sat in his high chair at the table and watched us all eat (how mean!) but he had fun throwing his sippy cup down and having everyone pick it up and give it back to him. my poor baby! no turkey for caleb on his first thanksgiving.... :(john's parents always have my family over for thanksgiving so we get to spend the day with everyone. i love it. the food is always soooo good and having everyone there together is such a blessing. the picture above is us in front of john's dad's orange tree in the backyard. so, even though our first thanksgiving with caleb didn't go exactly as we planned it, it was a great day and we are so thankful.
Sorry Caleb's first thanksgiving didn't go as planned. I hope he's feeling better!
Connor knows exactly how he is feeling. He can it a couple of weeks ago and it truly was the worst for all of us. I got the true experience since he was throwing up on me. I hope Caleb feels better soon. We will have to get together soon, now that I am back to work and have a play afternoon so the boys can play together.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor Caleb! I am so sorry about the icky belly and hoping he's as good as new in no time! Glad you had a nice holiday though despite the vomit :) lol!
Poor Caleb!!! I hope you're feeling better now little man. We'll see you soon :)
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