Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, March 28, 2008

Caleb's first slide show

i can't believe my baby is already almost one month old! my life has changed completely. i can't imagine it without him. praise God for answering our prayers and blessing us with our son caleb!


Shan said...

kim~ i love it! so many cute pics...i LOVE the one of caleb before the one with john making the funny face with the umbrella (the umbrella one made me laugh too!) :) adorable!
love, auntie shannon

Brixie said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! Oh yeah... Don said he likes it too! He's gotten soooo big already. That's it! I have to come see you next week! You got time for a visit on Tues/Thurs morning???? Miss you guys!


Kristin said...

Awwww...beautiful! Has it already been a month??? Wow!! Time sure does fly! Its wonderful to see how happy you both are with Caleb! You certainly deserve the blessings God has poured out on you! Keep those pictures coming! :)

Stephanie said...

Kim there is this program for the computer called Photo Story 3 and you can download it free from the Microsoft website. This program is kinda the same but it has more options. I made one for my family one year for Christmas. You can choose your own songs and of course pictures. You know for all of those free moments you have. ha ha but that is very cute.

Happy Birthday, Chrissy said that you guys might be having dinner for your bday. I sure do miss those dinners.

Hope to see you all soon, maybe this summer because I am not going to work this summer.

Unknown said...

That was the cutiest slide show. I love it. Connor and I will have to come visit very soon.

N7 said...

I cant deal with how beautiful and touching that slideshow is...and how perfect that song is...omg- just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!