i've been really lax about my blog lately. part of me is in a funk and i haven't felt like blogging. the other part of me has just been too busy to blog. i've been spending a lot of my free time looking for jobs online but nothing has come through. arrrrgh... i hate it. everything on the internet is a scam! anyway, i'm thinking that maybe i'm not supposed to get a job. maybe that's why nothing has come through for me. maybe i'm supposed to start school and maybe john's new job will be the answer to our prayers (it already is!). on top of all this, i am sad that pregnancy has not happened for us again. it has been 8 months since we've been trying for #2 and nothing. in a way it's good that i haven't gotten pregnant because our finances/job situation is so iffy lately. but as a woman, still, the idea of a baby in my belly is so desirable. we want to grow our family. life is complicated right now. God has a plan. Be patient, be quiet, be still.... He is in control. i know this.
now... on to the fun and more important topic... my Caleb! he is so much fun to be around. he amazes me everyday. here are a few things that he has been up to lately...
... when i sing the ABC's he tries to sing along (just humming/babbling but it's so cute) and at the end when i say "next time won't you sing with me" he will say "wit me". i love it.
... after we say his prayers he will say "amen" but he says it like "MAYMEN!" all loud and with feeling! you go, baby! Praise the Lord! :)
... tonight he was looking for the moon and we were asking him 'where did it go?' and he put his hands up in the air as if to say 'i don't know?'. it was soooo cute. (we found the moon a little later and he said 'moon! moon!' - except it didn't really sound like "moon" but i knew what he meant. ;)
... he knows what sounds animals/things make! he knows dog, cat, duck, frog, owl, monkey, cow, sheep, horse (sometimes), lion, bear, car, train, and more! he can also point out almost any animal in a book that you ask him to.
... he calls every bug he sees a bee. ladybugs, butterflies, flies, doesn't matter. they're all bees to him.
... he loves to chase birds and looks hurt when they fly away as he gets closer to them. he says "bir, bir!" and runs to see them. he always points out pictures of birds in every book we read.
... he is an eating machine. he eats more than any kid i know. for instance, the other day he ate: a whole banana (or "bay" as he likes to call them), oatmeal, cheerios, pretzels, mandarin oranges, sweet potato "fries" (with ranch of course - he loves to dip!), 3 helpings of broccoli, 1/2 a cheese sandwich, yogurt, a handful of blueberries, string cheese, crackers, spaghetti & meatballs, chili beans and bites of whatever anyone else was eating! i swear he has hollow legs!
... he can climb up on my very tall bed without any help. he turns his blue toy bucket upside down and puts it at the foot of the bed. he then holds onto the bed frame and pulls himself up. he is always so proud and gives himself a round of applause. the first time i watched him do this i think my jaw dropped to the floor. thank goodness he's not climbing out of his crib yet!
... he hits people when he gets frustrated. oooh, that is so unacceptable! we are working on it but, man, this better be a very short phase. he will sign "sorry" when i tell him to and sometimes he'll do it on his own. he knows that it's not ok to hit.
... he knows his body parts. eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, hair, fingers, toes, belly button, etc. i have yet to get a good video of him doing it though. when the video camera comes out he decides that he will not perform. "i'm not your puppet, mom!"
there are a million more things that he is doing and every day is an adventure with him. he is the best. i look at him and can't believe that he is mine. i just love him to pieces! :)
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3 hours ago
that is so cool all the things Caleb is doing, I love reading and looking forward to what out little one will be doing. I'll keep praying that the finances and job stuff work out just as they are supposed to and that it means you can stay home! I'm sorry about the ttc part - I've had two m/c's this year and that is frustrating in itself - like why won't it just work, clearly my surgery before L worked so we got her, but now I can't seem to stay pg for #2. I just keep trying to tell myself - patience, it all happens in the perfect timing - but its hard while you are waiting...
Caleb sounds like such a joy! It is amazing watching them learn and understand new things everyday. We will continue to keep your family in our prayers for the Lord's guidance and peace with the job situation and with ttc. ((hugs))
Well your husband refuses to get a facebook account. And he told me find yours! But......there are a lot of kim bennetts in da world.
So I hope you guys are well, and add ljiljana or myself in da book of faces.
And all of serbia misses you guys and says hello. They also say that John is the most "american" of all the americans that they met. Who woulda thunk it!
Our love to Big John, Important John and you!
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